Associated partners EMHRPP
The Associated Partners to the EMHRPP include: City of Gothenburg, Sweden; CSR Sweden, Stockholm; the International Refugee Rights Initiative (IRRI), Kampala, Uganda; Protection International (AISBL), Bruxelles, Belgium; CEAR-Euskadi, Bilbao, Spain; and Region Västra Götaland, Gothenburg, Sweden.
In order to incorporate knowledge from the public sector’s work on human rights into the Masters Program EMHRPP, two local public sector organisations are involved in the programme as Associate Partner: the Gothenburg City and the Västra Götaland Region. These Associate Partners offer opportunities for gaining real life experience from human rights implementation and engaging with practitioners in the field. Furthermore, the EMJMD has engaged CSR Sweden (CSR standing for Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR Sweden is a national branch of CSR Europe) as an Associate Partner in order to provide insights into the perspectives of the business community on human rights. Associate Partners in the third sector will also contribute to the programme, namely both Protection International (PI) and CEAR-Euskadi contribute to the design of modules at the University of Deusto, whereas International Refugee Rights Initiative (IRRI) shall collaborate with the Consortium Partner universities in workshops and/or conferences that merge advocacy with academia in the field of human rights.
City of Gothenburg
City of Gothenburg, as a municipality responsible for the major part of welfare services in society, such as schools, housing, elderly care, etc., shall give guest lectures and host study visits for EMHRPP students during the Human Rights as an Interdisciplinary Field module. They shall in particular focus on the practical aspects of implementing human rights as a welfare service provider. Their experience and expertise will also be shared with the Consortium at board meetings and various other occasions as appropriate for module and Programme development.
Region Västra Götaland
Region Västra Götaland, is a popularly elected regional body responsible for, among other things, healthcare and medical treatment. At the forefront of implementing a human rights-based approach in the public sector and being the only region with a plan of action on human rights, they will share their experiences of developing and implementing this plan of action in their operations with both EMHRPP students in the Human Rights as an Interdisciplinary Field module and in the Consortium Programme Board.
CSR Sweden
A business perspective on the development of policies and work with human rights is the contribution offered by CSR Sweden, in particular during the State, Market and Human Rights module. This will be done through the sharing of best-practice experiences of private actors when addressing challenges of operating in a competitive market and simultaneously implementing human rights in their own operations. Case study material, guest lectures and study visits are some of the resources and activities that CSR Sweden shall bring into the EMHRPP Programme.
Protection International
Protection International has participated in the design of the new second-term module Human Rights Defenders: Context, Policies and Practice, and will co-teach several sessions in that module regarding security and protection policies and tools. They will also intervene in the module Researching Human Rights, especially in the sessions regarding the management of project cycles. Field visits to PI office in Navarre (170kms from the University of Deusto) can be arranged easily as well as co-supervision of dissertations with fieldwork support.
CEAR-Euskadi (Basque Refugee Relief Commission)
CEAR-Euskadi is a member of the EU Platform for the Relocation of Human Rights Defenders and coordinates the Basque Government’s Programme for Interim Protection for Defenders of Human Rights. CEAR-Euskadi has participated in the design of the module Human Rights Defenders: Contexts, Policies and Practice and will design professionalising activities for the EMHRPP students in the framework of the Interim Protection Programme.
International Refugee Rights Initiative (IRRI)
IRRI will offer a graduate placement to at least one EMHRPP student in their Kampala office upon successfully completing the programme. IRRI will retain the right to determine the number of placements and make final admission decisions. This collaboration is particularly relevant to the module Social Movements and NGOs: Understanding Social Change, which will prepare students to apply for positions and work directly with organisations protecting human rights, including advocacy NGOs. The organisation will also collaborate in the design and implementation of events with students including conferences and workshops.